Last updated on February 21st, 2023 at 04:42 pm
At Advanced Deburring & Finishing, we pride ourselves on providing the finest machines produced for metal finishing. We have it all, from parts washing equipment to metal finishing machines and everything in between. Come to Advanced Deburring & Finishing for your:
- Parts washing and precision cleaning: The right parts washing machine is a key factor in the appearance of your finished product. We supply machines from the best names in parts cleaning, including aqueous parts cleaning machines, blast cleaning machines and vacuum vapor degreasing/cleaning equipment. The machines we supply can get your parts cleaner, help you stay in compliance with environmental regulations and reduce chemical costs.
- Surface finishing and refinement: Surface finishing systems are our specialty, and we know you’ll be satisfied with any surface finishing machine you choose from our inventory, whether you select our round bowl vibratory machine, tub-style deburring machine or one of our many other reliable surface finishing options.
- Filtration and water recovery: One of the challenges that industrial facilities face when it comes to metal finishing, metalworking processes and many other industrial processes is how to deal with wastewater. If wastewater is not treated and disposed of properly, it can contaminate surrounding groundwater with disastrous environmental consequences. Using our filtration and water recovery machines in conjunction with our surface finishing machines can streamline your wastewater disposal process and help you protect your surrounding environment. Our filtration and water recovery systems have served industries ranging from agriculture to food production, iron and steelwork, mines and quarries and more.
- Supplies: While our machines themselves do most of the heavy lifting with respect to parts finishing, they need certain media to make the process work — consumable media that must be replaced. When you require a refill of supplies, such as ceramic, plastic or steel media for burnishing, you can always contact Advanced Deburring & Finishing.
- Pretreatment systems: Pretreatment is required to prepare your products for surface finishing so that the process will result in the finished appearance you’re looking for. We offer high-quality passivation pretreatment machines designed for use with either citric acid or nitric acid. We can also facilitate your needs for Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection equipment to detect potential cracks in your products’ surfaces.
- Ultrasonic cleaning: Ultrasonic cleaning systems are compact streamlined cleaning machines that can have faster cycle times, very much needed for precision cleaning to meet specification, and can access part cavities, internal areas of the part, and the tightest seams. They can be found in the medical, aerospace, automotive, and so many other manufacturing industries. Hospitals for cleaning glass, to golf course lawn watering sprayers, and many other locations. Contact us to learn about our HI sonic cleaning tanks along with immersion/agitation systems.
- Blast systems: Abrasive blast cabinets and systems can dramatically facilitate the cleaning or removing of heat treat scale, rust, and old coatings. Excellent for surface preparation for coatings like paint, powder, and exotics with scratching the surface. Wet blasting systems can provide proper cleaning/surface preparation for precision parts such as dies, molds, valves and pistons. Both can use a wide range of abrasive media such as glass beads, ceramic, aluminum oxide, some steel grit/shot and others. We feature a range of blast cabinets, blast system types, dust collectors and all sized for your convenience.
- Specialty systems and applications: If you need a piece of finishing equipment that you don’t see here, such as a wheel-type slurry blasting system or a flat finishing and deburring system, reach out to us, and we’re sure we’ll be able to accommodate you.
We want to help you find the right parts cleaning system to the right metal finishing equipment for your application and business. If you need expert assistance determining which machines will give you the most value, don’t hesitate to contact one of our knowledgeable professionals for advice or more information on any of our machines.
If you know which of our high-quality finishing machines will fit your needs and are interested in a quote, call us at 800-553-7060 or get in touch with us online today.